Saturday, February 28, 2009


the same reasion you leep me away is the same reasion it try to keep you away.
The I zone badly i dont know If im going to come back alot of the time.
If i do come back.
I dont know if it will be me.
I just want to keep you safe.
Thats why I need to be alone somtimes.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I never knwo what I want to say.
But i gess ill start of with this
Do you like it just being you?
as is not having anyone worry about you?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The city makes its amber glow in the distance.
The amber glow of the flames.
The light will die out soon.
Darkness will come.
The people.
The lives.
The moments of peace.
Just like the city.
Gone like my peace.
Gone from what I used to be.
Just one more memory.
Just one more pece of the past.
Time to march on.
The day will come.
The day I come home.
Back to this burned city.
Back to this horible memory.
Back to myself.
Back to what I was suposed to be.
Not today.
Not tomaorw.
Not now.
March on.
Push this day to the back of my mind.
The rain will come soon.
The fight will end.
The war will end.
Peace will come.
More heros will be made.
Not me.
Iam just a person doing a job.
One person.
The past will catch up to me somday.
Not today.
Today I just watch the city burn.


How many people have told you to look at the stars?
How many people have changed the way you look at them?
How many people have stoped to care?
How many people have seen you for what you are?
How many poople know you for you with out evan being you?
How many people have held you in the darkness to keep you safe?
Why do we say what we want but never say what we wish to say?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Dream

The dark woods. The damp soft soil under my feet as I run. Silent in the night. Some will die tonight. Some will live. Only the ones that where here will remember. Down to my last mag. 30 rounds 5.56. This will make for an interesting night. If only I would have stole his gear to. In a rush. Always in a rush. Least I got his m9 to. I still have my mission to complete. Ha never thought them commercials about an army of one where true. Well I guess it comes down to me and them. Never thought It would come down to me doing this stuff to. Ha Ha I was just supoised to read the map and tell people where to go. Well I gess shit gets thick over here faster than every one wants to think.
Im being folowed............


Somday may never come.
Tomarow is just that. Tomaorw
Today is the only day that maters.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i know

you do not need to worry about hurting me.
I know what im geting into when im with you.
I know that everything is worse than yous show.
I know that.
You are more like me than i think.
I know.
I know that you want me far but right beside you.
I will hold you closer the more you try to get away from me.

magic numbers



There is no rest for the wicked.
On the branches of time I sit.
The branch will break.
I will fall.
That is inevitable.
What I watch.
What I see.
That is up to me.
But who Iam I?

Monday, February 23, 2009

I just came back from a war

tell me.
Tell me your troubles.
tell me your boundary's long before i get to them.
Tell me your dreams.
Hold me tight.
Trust me.
Walk with me in the moon light.
Believe in yourself.
Your more than you think you are.
Your more than you think to me.


The action I choose are not mine.
The flips of personality are not mine.
The pain I expearance is all mine.
The people I watch over.
The war I fight.
The demons in the dark that call my name.
The people I heal.
The shoe will drop.
The question is where?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

endless cycle of darkness and light