Monday, November 10, 2008

pain from a freind

Pain. A complex subject for me to talk about. The pain that is always there, never ceasing, never ending. The pain we live with. Each day knowing it is the pain. The pains that lets us know we are still living. The pains that runs through every bone in my body. The pains that I wish would end. Sometimes I wonder if all I feel is pain. Yet strength is not hiding the pain. Covering it with a mask. It’s not showing your weakness. It’s not letting everyone know what your pain is. It’s living with the pain. Yet we all hid our pain and move on day to day. Sun rise to sunset. Sometimes the sun just sets and I feel no pain in the darkness. Then I ask myself. Is it over? In the darkness I feel nothing. Yet pain is. The best way to fix it. Well there isn’t a way to fix it, but there is a way to combat it. Find something to cover the pain and eventfully it will be eliminated.

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