Sunday, March 15, 2009

Not today.

The last push.
It dose not matter tomarow.
Today will make tomaorw for eather way things will change.
Not today.
Today is not my time.
She will not get a folded flag tomaorw.
Yet some one will.
This will all be over by tomaorow.
The pain.
The suffering.
The lose.
The regret.
The bloodshed.
This war will end.
Yet I know every one will not make it home.
As many never see the sun rise again.
As many die.
As many try to change the world for the better.
As many fight for freedom will being cursed by their own states.
This will be a bloody day.
This will be the end.
Not today.
I will servive.
I have things that are better awaiting me.

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