Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you have some good music

26 * the begining* i think home
72 *ben on the list for a long time* thank you
144- 146
155 always loved that song

Friday, September 18, 2009

Holding the earth togeather on my back.
Geting crushed under the weight.
Finding the the pain of berdens.
Let it go.
Be free from it.
Breathing with the weight off.
Im free
It is never the past or the future that defines us.
It is only now.
Some people choose.
Some people are forced.
It dosnt matter wheather you lived a horible life or you lived a great life.
The only thing that matters is what you leave behind.
The world will go one.
They will speek for you.
People will cry.
People will try to hid the feelings of loss.
People will be glad.
People will.
So only take tomaorw as your last day.
For you only live today.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

-deep taught.
its the chaos that surrounds an idea

its not how much you want it its how much your willing to work for it.
How much your willing to give up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I never want to be reconized for the things i do.
Just remember me.
That is enough.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Folow your dreams.
Yet remember you are not alone.
Sometimes its not about your dreams.
Somtimes some one has better dreams.
I may not folow my dreams, but I still folow my path.
My path of faith, hardship, and will.
Yet I have found some one worth it.
Some one worth the fight.
Someone worth coming home to.
somthing that still needs work on.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Alot has been on my mind.
mostly whats gunna hapin this year school wise
and the rest of my life wise.
still figuring out how im suposed to put the peaces to me together.
yet some how i feel im still locking them away.
I find myself diggin in the past every so so.
still thinking about the marines mostly
so i have 2 days of freedom.
then im off.
for an adventure.
least i wont ever be bord